Our listed investment companies team has a pre-eminent position in the sector, advising investment funds, managers, directors, sponsors and investment banks that trust us to provide them with prompt, high-quality advice and solutions.
We act for investment companies across a range of asset classes and sizes- our team acts for over 50 listed investment companies. Our investment management clients also range from large institutional managers to niche alternative asset managers. We also regularly advise many of the key brokers in the sector. Our significant experience and market knowledge gives us a comprehensive understanding of the issues. We make a valuable contribution to the success and development of our clients’ businesses.
We are highly regarded for our work with listed investment trusts and offshore investment companies and have significant experience of IPOs and secondary issues in the sector as well as other corporate actions and capital markets advisory work. Launching new investment funds is vital to the continued success of every investment management business. We have acted on over a third of investment company IPOs in the past 5 years.
We are experienced in assisting with all aspects of the planning, regulatory approvals and implementation processes related to the development of investment funds both in the UK and overseas. We draw on our expertise across a number of asset classes to provide the tailored support that managers and promoters require to meet their objectives. We are also experienced in dealing with regulators, exchanges and trade associations in many countries.
Advising Seraphim Space Investment Trust plc on its £178.4 million IPO, the first London listed space fund.
Advising Home REIT plc, the homeless accommodation fund, in connection with its significantly oversubscribed placing, open offer, offer for subscription and intermediaries offer of new ordinary shares and the establishment of an ongoing placing.
Advising LXi REIT plc on its c.£4 billion merger with Secure Income REIT plc.
Advising Schroder BSC Social Impact Trust plc on its £75 million IPO.
Advising Alternative Credit Investments plc (formally Pollen Street Secured Lending PLC) on the appointment of their new manager, Waterfall Asset Management LLC and the £639.2 million public takeover by Waterfall EIT UK Limited.
Advising Winterflood Securities on the US$700m placing for The Schiehallion Fund, the largest secondary fund raise in the sector in 2021.
Advising Oakley Capital Investments Limited on their move from AIM to the Specialist Fund Segment.
Advising Augmentum Fintech plc on its £94 million IPO.
Advising BB Healthcare Trust plc on its £150 million IPO.
Advising Jupiter Dividend & Growth Trust plc on its s.110 rollover into another Jupiter managed investment trust.
Advising Singer Capital Markets on the £231 million C Share issue move from SFS to main market for Hipgnosis Songs Fund Limited.
Advising Mobius Investment Trust plc on its £100 million IPO.
Advising BH Global Limited on the £450 million scheme of reconstruction and rollover.
Advising Peel Hunt LLP as sponsor and sole bookrunner on two secondary fundraises by Octopus Renewables Infrastructure Trust.
Advising Singer Capital Markets, Panmure Gordon and Alvarium in connection with Urban Logistics REIT plc's migration from AIM to the Premium Listing Segment and placing, offer for subscription and intermediaries offer.
Advising Gore Street Energy Storage Fund plc on its IPO.
"They have talented professionals who can handle the most complex legal work and provide the best legal service… The team is extremely knowledgeable, with a strength in depth of resources and a very strong team culture… The firm offers excellent technical knowledge but with a good commercial overlay."
Chambers UK 2023
"Stephenson Harwood offer high-quality service. They have good attention to detail and very responsive service provided by a large pool of knowledgeable junior and senior legal professionals."
Chambers UK 2023
"Partners William Saunders and Alex Haynes are both exceptional. They are very commercial, easy to work with and I know I can rely on them and their advice in difficult situations."
The Legal 500 UK 2022
"Depth and stability of team: I’ve frequently used the team for a broad range of matters over the last 15 years and never been let down. Even when the going gets tough, the team is always easy to work with… Great team of experts in their field, partner access and engagement – led from the top. Commercially competitive… Accessible of the partner. Sensible, clear and pragmatic advice."
The Legal 500 UK 2023